Useful Dietary tips for Christmas

    • December 16, 2019

    Christmas is at our doorstep, and we all owe to ourselves to enjoy the variety and abundance of food at the festive table. While maintaining our self-control and body weight, without becoming rigorous or depriving ourselves of the enjoyments, we can enjoy beautiful and tasteful moments before and after the holidays.


    The Cenegenics team gives you simple tips for your Christmas diet:
    1. Avoid extra snacks, reduce the portions of your meals during the day, if you have a heavy subsequent planned meal.
    2. During large feasts, prioritize the healthiest foods and advance your appetite hierarchically. Start with vegetables, high-protein food sources such as no-fat meat and fish, and then high-glycemic index carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, or pasta. Always accompany your dish with salad.
    3. Choose the traditional turkey over other types of meat as it is a good source of protein and trace elements as well as low in fat.
    4. Preserve moderation in the filling of your dishes and create a “normal portion”. Combine the flavors “patiently” and hierarchically based on tip no1.
    5. Drink alcohol but with moderation. If you know that there will be an invitation for a party, avoid consuming alcohol the days before. For each glass of alcohol, you consume, drink a glass of water. Avoid mixing alcohol with soft drinks because this increases the calories even more.
    6. Avoid thick sauces when eating meat and the skin from turkey, chicken or pork as they are high in fat.
    7. Maintain your daily fitness program during Christmas holidays. Add exercise if needed. Take advantage of walking and dancing with your favorite friends.
    8. Eat normal small meals before going to festive events. Going there hungry and eating uncontrollably affects the metabolism in a wrong way. Eat a small, healthy snack earlier.
    9. If you postpone training once or twice don’t worry. Keep up the pace and continue from the next day.


    Indicative Calorific value of most consumed Christmas foods and drinks
    Food Source Quantity (grams) Calories
    1 honey macaron
    (Greek delicacy)
    45g 170kcal
    1 kourabies – sugar candy
    (Greek Delicacy)
    45g 170
    Turkey 90g 165
    Turkey Stuffing ½ cup (120g) 210
    Cake 1 piece (70g) 200
    Dry seeds (nuts, almonds) 1 table spoom 45
    Chocolate 45g 250
    Wine 1 glass 140 sweet ,110 dry
    Beer 240 ml (1 glass) 150
    Whiskey 60 ml 150